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Meet Our Artists
Interview with Pascal
GMC Right Productions
How long have you been making beads?
Two months.
What is the process for making those beads?
First you cut paper, like calendars or other strong paper like that. There are some measurements you want, so you measure, and then you cut it into long pieces. Then you roll it with your hands, and you add glue at the edge. Then after, you have to buy varnish, and you paint them. They have to dry. After one week, the beads will be ready to make necklaces or whatever you want.
Who taught you those skills?
Nobody. I was just observing from the other kids at Gisimba. Then I came up with my own decision to make them.
Do you do any other crafts?
I make earrings, necklaces…bracelets. I also make postcards from paper and old clothes. For example, you take an old dress, and cut it into so many pieces. And then you can glue those pieces to a piece of paper and you can make any design you want.
What will you do with all of your products?
I will be selling them wherever we get a market. Maybe in town, or out of the country. When I get an opportunity to get a market from there, I can sell them.